Monday, September 20, 2010

Busy Weekend

It was a busy weekend with fall like weather.  On Friday night we went to the Delaware Saengerbund for the local Octoberfest celebration with Joe, Viola, Timm, Rachel, John, Wendy and Colin.  It is a really great time with authentic German food and beer.  We went with the bratwurst, potato salad and slaw, and trialed all the German beers.  Delicious.  We finished the night working off some calories on the dance floor.
Saturday I headed to Atlantic City with for Ed's bachelor party with Pete, John, Jeff, Timm, MJ and Will. 

That same day Jeanette was quite bust with helping Colin and Joe on the morning with harvesting honey from Colin's bee hives.  They captured almost 5 gallons of honey from those busy bees. 

In the evening she went up to Quakertown to celebrate Ellie's 4th birthday - she's growing up so quick.  It was a princess theme, and boy did she look cute (I'm sorry I had to miss the party).

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